  • Saint Lager in Burgundy International city of the Vine and Wine
    Château des Ravatys - Domaine of Pasteur institute.
  • Every country and all French regions.
  • Wines produced exclusively from Chardonnay grape.

    Up to 5% of non-aromatic varieties (e.g. Pinot blanc, Maccabeo) is allowed. However, the presence of aromatic varieties (e.g. Muscat, Muscat-like varieties, Gewurtztraminer, Chenin blanc, Viognier, etc.) or of varieties that modify wine structure (e.g. Pinot noir) is not authorised, and any wines containing such varieties shall be excluded from the competition.
  • The amount of the wine available should be at least of 1000 liters.
Competition Rules
Participation Rules
  • 6 bottles of 750 ml or 10 bottles of 500 ml or 375 ml (with front and back labels)
  • A technical sheet dedicated to presentation including: development, area of growth, maturity of wine, density of plantation, grape harvest, wine making (barrel or tank), maturation of wine…
  • An analysis bulletin dated less than one year ago. It must specify the parcel number as well as the following results: specific gravity, actual and potential alcohol content, reducing sugar, pH, total acidity, volatile acidity, free SO2, total SO2, pressure above atmospheric.
  • 3 labels(with front and back labels).
Participation cost

  Cost HT
(in euros)
TVA (20 %)
(in euros)
Cost TTC
(in euros)
France 150 30 180
Out of France - - 180
Tasting notes report (optional)
Cost HT
(in euros)
TVA (20 %)
(in euros)
Cost TTC
(in euros)
France In french 41,67 8,33 50
In english 50 10 60
Out of France In french - - 50
In english - - 60
  • All bank fees are in charge to the drawer.
Sample Delivery Dead Line

Samples delivery deadline:

February 23, 2024

Samples delivery deadline:

February 23, 2024

Chardonnay du Monde 2024

To open or print registration Form in Adobe PDF you have to install Adobe Acrobat reader on your computer you will find this software to and follow instructions.

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